LEGO and Technology Go Hand in Hand!
My Students
We are a school that serves a large group of students that have parents who serve or have served in the military. We are also a low income school that has many students who receive free or reduced price meals. My students come to school ready to learn each day no matter what is taking place in their lives. They love to do hands-on activities and enjoy talking and moving. They are the best kindergarten class around, and they deserve the best! They are great kids that soak up everything and aim to learn! They deserve every advantage they can get to help them be sucessful.
My Project
My students are very creative and love to move. They enjoy building things and can easily use materials to have fun doing a STEAM activity. Kids love to build and manipulate things so LEGO blocks are the perfect tool for this. They can create objects like bridges and cars or just use their imagination to make something. The iPad will be used to help them create actual objects for their LEGO creations. There are resources on the internet that will add extra quality to their STEAM activity with their LEGO blocks. They can also use LEGO blocks for making words in literacy centers. Oh, the possibilities are endless!